templates/security/login.html.twig line 1

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  28.             <!--begin::Authentication - Sign-in -->
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  30.                 <!--begin::Aside-->
  31.                 <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row-auto w-xl-600px positon-xl-relative" style="background-color: #F2C98A">
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  38.                                 {# <img alt="Logo" src="assets/media/logos/logo-2.svg" class="h-60px" /> #}
  39.                                 {# <img alt="Logo" src="{{ asset('assets/media/logos/Logo.PNG')}}" class="h-125px logo testhiden" /> #}
  40.                             </a>
  41.                             <!--end::Logo-->
  42.                             <!--begin::Title-->
  43.                             <h1 class="fw-bolder fs-2qx pb-5 pb-md-10" style="color: #986923;">Welcome To The Financial<br> Management Software Program.</h1>
  44.                             <!--end::Title-->
  45.                             <!--begin::Description-->
  46.                             {# <p class="fw-bold fs-2" style="color: #986923;">Learning, Professionalism, Community,
  47.                             <br />Dedication, Joy and Gratitude</p> #}
  48.                             <!--end::Description-->
  49.                         </div>
  50.                         <!--end::Content-->
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  62.                         <!--begin::Wrapper-->
  63.                         <div class="w-lg-500px p-10 p-lg-15 mx-auto">
  64.                             <!--begin::Form-->
  65.                             <form class="form w-100" novalidate="novalidate" id="kt_sign_in_form" method="post">
  66.                                 <!--begin::Heading-->
  67.                                 <div class="text-center mb-10">
  68.                                     <!--begin::Title-->
  69.                                     <h1 class="text-dark mb-3">Se connecter</h1>
  70.                                     <!--end::Title-->
  71.                                     <!--begin::Link-->
  72.                                     {# <div class="text-gray-400 fw-bold fs-4">New Here?
  73.                                     <a href="../../demo1/dist/authentication/layouts/aside/sign-up.html" class="link-primary fw-bolder">Create an Account</a></div> #}
  74.                                     <!--end::Link-->
  75.                                 </div>
  76.                                 {% if error %}
  77.                                     <div class="alert alert-danger">{{ error.messageKey|trans(error.messageData, 'security') }}</div>
  78.                                 {% endif %}
  79.                                 {% if app.user %}
  80.                                     <div class="mb-3">
  81.                                         You are logged in as {{ app.user.username }}, <a href="{{ path('app_logout') }}">Déconnexion</a>
  82.                                     </div>
  83.                                 {% endif %}
  84.                                 <!--begin::Heading-->
  85.                                 <!--begin::Input group-->
  86.                                 <div class="fv-row mb-10">
  87.                                     <!--begin::Label-->
  88.                                     <label class="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder text-dark">Email</label>
  89.                                     <!--end::Label-->
  90.                                     <!--begin::Input-->
  91.                                     {# <input class="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid" type="text" name="email" autocomplete="off" /> #}
  92.                                     <input type="email" value="{{ last_username }}" name="email" id="inputEmail" class="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid" autocomplete="email" required autofocus>
  93.                                     <!--end::Input-->
  94.                                 </div>
  95.                                 <!--end::Input group-->
  96.                                 <!--begin::Input group-->
  97.                                 <div class="fv-row mb-10">
  98.                                     <!--begin::Wrapper-->
  99.                                     <div class="d-flex flex-stack mb-2">
  100.                                         <!--begin::Label-->
  101.                                         <label class="form-label fw-bolder text-dark fs-6 mb-0">Mot de passe</label>
  102.                                         <!--end::Label-->
  103.                                         <!--begin::Link-->
  104.                                         <a href="{{path('app_forgot_password_request')}}" class="link-primary fs-6 fw-bolder">Mot de passe oublié ?</a>
  105.                                         <!--end::Link-->
  106.                                     </div>
  107.                                     <!--end::Wrapper-->
  108.                                     <!--begin::Input-->
  109.                                     <input type="password" name="password" id="inputPassword" class="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid" autocomplete="current-password" required>
  110.                                         <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token"
  111.                                         value="{{ csrf_token('authenticate') }}"
  112.                                     >
  113.                                     {# <input class="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid" type="password" name="password" autocomplete="off" /> #}
  114.                                     <!--end::Input-->
  115.                                 </div>
  117.                                 <!--end::Input group-->
  118.                                 <!--begin::Actions-->
  119.                                 <div class="text-center">
  120.                                     <!--begin::Submit button-->
  121.                                     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary w-100 mb-5">
  122.                                         <span class="">Se connecter</span>
  123.                                         {# <span class="indicator-progress">Please wait...
  124.                                         <span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm align-middle ms-2"></span></span> #}
  125.                                     </button>
  126.                                     <!--end::Submit button-->
  128.                                 </div>
  129.                                 <!--end::Actions-->
  130.                             </form>
  131.                             <!--end::Form-->
  132.                         </div>
  133.                         <!--end::Wrapper-->
  134.                     </div>
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  139.                         <div class="d-flex flex-center fw-bold fs-6">
  140.                             <a href="https://keenthemes.com" class="text-muted text-hover-primary px-2" target="_blank">About</a>
  141.                             <a href="https://devs.keenthemes.com" class="text-muted text-hover-primary px-2" target="_blank">Support</a>
  142.                             <a href="https://1.envato.market/EA4JP" class="text-muted text-hover-primary px-2" target="_blank">Purchase</a>
  143.                         </div>
  144.                         <!--end::Links-->
  145.                     </div>
  146.                     <!--end::Footer--> #}
  147.                 </div>
  148.                 <!--end::Body-->
  149.             </div>
  150.             <!--end::Authentication - Sign-in-->
  151.         </div>
  152.         <!--end::Root-->
  153.         <!--end::Main-->
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  155.         <script>var hostUrl = "assets/";</script>
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  161.         <script src="assets/js/custom/authentication/sign-in/general.js"></script>
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  164.     </body>
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